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Method of Research

Skyrim Quest # 01 | The Creation of Fücbaad and the Sacellum of Boethiah 
​Post By: Allison Sermarini | January 28, 2014


The first quest's main goals were to create our character and locate a religious phenomenon in Skyrim. After finding a religious phenomenon, the sacellum is described as to how it can be relgious and it relates to the narrative of the game, and how it relates to character (player) of the game. 

Skyrim Quest # 02 | The Daedric Goddess and Her Star

Post By: Christina Wrenn | February 5, 2014


Our second quest into Skyrim was to choose a phenomenon that can be found as religious and identify the play and the sacred and use it to interpret the phenomenon.

Throughout our travels in the land of Welsh Dragon, we furiously ravished our days in the Universe of Elder Scrolls--specifically, in the land of Skyrim. 


Below, we spent certain days playing our character Fücbaad to garner more information about the land and then apply and relate it to what we learned in the lair (NSPN 134); religious perspectives.

Skyrim Quest # 03 | An Easter Egg for the Headless Horseman

Post By: Karylle Abella | February 17, 2014


The last venture into Skyrim  was to find an "easter egg" and describe as to why it is one of the models of popular culture. 

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